Notebook for Class
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Notebook for Class

26 ocen

10 000 użytkownicy
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For teachers and students, facilitates notes taking and sharing in a class, in a clearly organized and easy to use way.

1. No need for Google Apps for Education to be able to use, anyone with a Google account can take advantage of it. 2. Create a class and add students(or other teachers) into your class. 3. Create notebooks for students, students can takes notes on your book, and submit their notes to you by one click. 4. You can read all students submitted notes, give comments, or even re-share to all students.(say, in case you want an excellent student note to be read by class members). 5. You can also share your notes to all students in one click. 6. Support multiple teachers in a class. 7. Send notifications to students, and receive notifications when student submit their work. 8. Insert files/pictures/tables/emoticon to your note, format your note, many nice fonts, search and sort... 9. iPad/Android tablet ready: Open your browser in your mobile device and go to below link: 10. Data privacy policy: NOTE: This is a free version of the app, which may have some limitations, you may want to go Pro to remove the restrictions, please check out the Setting tab for more pro options. As always, let us know if you have more questions:

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    5 listopada 2021
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    English (United States)
  • Deweloper
  • Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
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