No Mouse Wheel Zoom
No Mouse Wheel Zoom의 상품 로고 이미지

No Mouse Wheel Zoom


평점 204개

확장 프로그램접근성9,000 사용자
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷


Prevents Ctrl + Scroll zoom

NoMouseWheelZoom ================ Installation Instructions 1. Install the extension 2. Go to extension settings. Make sure that "allow access to file url's" is checked 3. Refresh Your tabs v 2.0.0 Changelog Fixed passive event listener issue This extension disables the annoying zoom shortcut Ctrl + Mousewheel. People who heavily use the Control key for changing tabs, opening links in new Tabs etc, the sudden zooming/unzooming of the page gets very irritating. This extension disables the shortcut in Chrome. You can still use other extensions or settings for changing the zoom level. Compatibility: It works only with Chrome. It fails in the Chromium-browser.

5점 만점에 3.6점평점 204개

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  • 버전
  • 업데이트됨
    2021년 5월 6일
  • 제공
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  • 언어
    English (United States)
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  • 비판매자
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