Neater Bookmarks
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Neater Bookmarks


918 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung90.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot


A neater bookmarks tree popup.

***** TESTERS WANTED ***** If you'd like to be a tester for Neater Bookmarks, and are a native non-English speaker and/or use Mac OS X and/or Linux, please contact me at Interested parties should share your Gmail address, OS, screen resolution, and native language. English users or Windows users are not needed. If you meet the criteria above and are interested, thanks for your help! ************************** A neat bookmarks tree popup extension for Chrome. It looks slick, has bookmarks search and remembers the last opened folders and scroll position. It is also one of the most keyboard-accessible extensions, with decent WAI-ARIA support. To search bookmarks from the address bar (omnibox), type "* " (asterisk and space). The search character can be changed by going to Chrome > Settings > Search > Manage search engines > Search engines added by extensions (chrome://settings/searchEngines). Many issues can be resolved by uninstalling the extension and then reinstalling after waiting a few seconds. Try this before submitting an issue report. This extension is based on a "safe" version of the original Neat Bookmarks extension. This is NOT the current version of Neat Bookmarks in the Chrome Web Store, which still jacks ads. Neater Bookmarks does NOT contain any adware or malware or perform ad jacking, and it never will! *** Notes *** -Explanation of privileges: -"Access your data on all websites": used so bookmarklets can work properly -"Read and modify your bookmarks": obviously -"Access your tabs and browsing activity": not used at all -This extension does NOT track/use/see any of your data on any websites -Many thanks to Cheeaun, the original developer of Neat Bookmarks! *** Externals *** - Neater Bookmarks is open source! GitHub repository: - FAQ: - Issues: or email - Custom CSS Styles: - Custom icons: - Internationalization/Localization: - Detailed changelog:

4,5 von 5918 Bewertungen

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Bin zufrieden!

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Einfach und geniel! Eine übersichtliche Lersezeichen-Sidebar die bei Chrome fehlt. Super ;-)

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Volkmar Sommer25.04.2014

gefällt mir sehr und ich arbeite gut damit. Nachtrag 7.1.16: Ist für mich nach wie vor die einfachste, beste und auch schönste App für bookmarks

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    19. November 2014
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    19 Sprachen
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