Free Web App for Transferring Files across Cloud Drives and Managing, Syncing for Multiple Clouds.
MultCloud is a free and easy-to-use web app that allows you to transfer files across Cloud Drives, and support managing multiple cloud drives from a single interface. And sync files or even manage sharing files between cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon S3, FTP, SugarSync, WebDav, MEGA, etc. 26+ cloud drives supported. MultCloud has three main functions: File Transfer across Cloud Drives, Sync Files between Clouds and File Manager for Multi-clouds. With the help of it, you can transfer files from one cloud drive to the other, do the centralized management and sync files between cloud services. For instance, you can move files from Dropbox to Google Drive, and create a task of scheduled cloud sync at a regular interval like daily, weekly or monthly, and also you can use MultCloud as if it were Windows Explorer. In addition, it is FREE, safe and reliable. Website: https://www.multcloud.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/multcloud Twitter: @multcloud Customer Support: support@multcloud.com
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- Версія1.0.0
- Оновлено29 серпня 2019 р.
- Розмір8.36KiB
- МовиEnglish
- РозробникВеб-сайт
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