Mote: voice notes & feedback
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Mote: voice notes & feedback

154 件の評価

拡張機能教育1,000,000 ユーザー
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Mote - fast, friendly voice messaging

With Mote, easily add voice comments and audio content to documents, assignments, emails and forms. Mote is integrated into Google Docs, Classroom and many other Google Workspace apps - for easy recording and playback. Mote also supports voice feedback within the Instructure Canvas SpeedGrader. You can also create voice notes on any website, and share these as embedded voice notes, by using the Mote extension 'Magic Mic' recorder. You can embed your mote recordings into apps like Notion and Google Sites, or share your voice notes as a QR code. Mote supports transcription in more than 40 world languages, including English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.* Mote for teachers: Ask students questions and provide feedback, quickly and with the feeling of human connection. Whether you're at home or in the classroom, Mote helps educators and students to stay connected. Add voice comments within Google Classroom's Stream and Private Comments views, as well as within Google Docs, Slides and Sheets. Look for the Mote icon in comment boxes. Record and insert audio clips within Google Slides and Google Forms - simply click on the Mote icon within the application to insert your audio. Add voice notes anywhere, using our voice recorder accessed from the extension icon in the browser bar. Mote for students: Students can leave voice notes, and react to teacher feedback and comments, to let teachers know that they've understood and will action feedback, or that they need more help. Please see our website for more information about how we're creating a safe and secure experience for users under the age of 18. Mote for teams: Mote helps teams collaborate successfully anytime, anywhere. Leave voice note feedback on shared documents and projects, or try using Mote to manage daily stand ups. Add voice-to-text transcription to your voice note - just click the Mote icon in your browser window to access the menu - and choose from more than 20 world languages to transcribe.* Easily preview and edit your transcript, if it's not quite right first time.* Save voice notes to your 'Motebook' to re-use later.* Translate your transcript into more than a dozen other languages, to make your voice note even more accessible.* React to voice notes received from other users, and - as a voice note creator - review these reactions within your account activity page.* * Only available with our paid 'Unlimited' tier (free trial included). See for details about our product tiers and pricing.

5 点満点で 4.6154 件の評価

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  • バージョン
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  • 言語
    12 言語
  • デベロッパー
    Mote Technologies, Inc
    548 Market St PMB 52828 San Francisco, CA 94104 US
  • トレーダー


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Mote: voice notes & feedback は次を扱います。



  • 承認されている以外の用途で第三者に販売しないこと
  • アイテムの中心機能と関係のない目的で使用または転送しないこと
  • 信用力を判断する目的または融資目的で使用または転送しないこと



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