Moomin Mugs
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Moomin Mugs
12 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


An updated list of all the Moomin Mugs in the popular mug-series from Arabia.

The Moomin Mugs, made by Arabia Finland, are popular collection items. Today there exist more than 70 different Moomin Mug designs. Each year Arabia releases a few new Moomin mugs. Some of these mugs will be available for a long time, while others are taken off the market after a year, or after a period of years. In this Moomin Mugs list you will see an overview of each of the Moomin mugs. Some of the mugs are still available, while others have to be bought on the private market (often at higher prizes). The list shows what years each of the different Moomin Mugs was available. It also explain the different special edition mugs to give a better understanding of how they are values, and how difficult they are to come across. We do our best to keep the list updated with new Moomin Mugs, as well as noting when the mugs are going to be taken of the market.

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    14. April 2017
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