MJ Toolkit
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MJ Toolkit


13 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung998 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot


Unlock the full potential of your generation with MJ Toolkit - the ultimate browser extension designed for Midjourney users

*NEW* Added support for version 5 - Support for multiple model versions - Use custom presets to jumpstart your prompts - History lets you review your past prompts and results they produced ------------------------------------------------------ Introducing MJ Toolkit - the ultimate browser extension designed exclusively for Midjourney users. Say goodbye to the frustrating glitches and clunky interface of Discord with this powerful tool that solves all your problems. With MJ Toolkit, you can bid farewell to the tedious task of copying and pasting complex prompts just to make minor tweaks. No more typing "/imagine" repeatedly only to realize that you've missed a parameter at the end. Simply press Ctrl+Enter to type your prompt, and then confirm with Enter. The extension even brings you back to where you were in the text box, allowing you to experiment with different versions of your prompt without losing your focus. But that's not all. MJ Toolkit also supports multi-prompts with negative weights, making it easier than ever to eliminate unwanted elements from your generations. And with the ability to quickly download a full image of your generation and any of the 4 quadrants, you can save time and avoid the hassle of manually cutting the image. Plus, we're constantly working on adding even more functionality to MJ Toolkit. Stay tuned for updates, as we have some exciting new features in the pipeline that will take your generation to the next level. With MJ Toolkit, you can look forward to an ever-expanding set of tools designed to simplify your workflow and make your Discord experience smoother and more enjoyable than ever before. Upgrade your Discord experience with MJ Toolkit today and start enjoying seamless and stress-free generation like never before. ------------------------------------------------------ By using the MJ Toolkit browser extension, you agree to MJ Toolkit’s terms and conditions. (https://www.mjtoolkit.net/terms)

4,1 von 513 Bewertungen

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T aus B an der Spree22.02.2023

Gerade mal getestet und finde es erleichtert schon das Promt schreiben. Schön ist das Downloaden der vorschaubilder


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    23. März 2023
  • Angeboten von
    Cat Factory
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    Cat Factory Wojciech Kasperczyk
    Szwedzka 30 Warszawa 03-420 PL
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