Minimal Consent
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Minimal Consent

9 rating

EkstensiAksesibilitas5.000 pengguna
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Minimal Consent automatically ensures that only functional cookies are dropped and thereby blocks annoying cookie banners.

Since beginning of 2018 GDPR came into play on all websites offered to users living within the European Union. Finally users have full control and transparency on how website providers gather and use their data. Unfortunately users now find huge and annoying cookie banners on all websites. Often a lot of clicks and reading is necessary to deny gathering and usage of their personal data. Minimal consent is here to help. Minimal Consent answers the cookie banner for users. Only the essential cookies will be accepted. All other cookies such as Tracking and marketing cookies will be denied. Thus minimal consent takes care of users’ data privacy by allowing a seamless browsing experience. All is working that fast so users won’t even see the cookie banner anymore. Minimal Consent is already working on a lot of websites and will be constantly enhanced. Missing websites can be sent to the development team of Minimal Consent quickly and easily in order to enhance Minimal Consent accordingly.

2,6 dari 59 rating

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    7 Juni 2020
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    7 bahasa
  • Developer
    Situs Web
  • Non-pedagang
    Developer ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang. Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.


Developer belum memberikan informasi apa pun tentang pengumpulan atau penggunaan data Anda.


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