Memorai – AI memory assistant for Anki
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Memorai – AI memory assistant for Anki


14 calificaciones

ExtensiónTrabajo y planificación1,000 usuarios
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Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

AI memory assistant for Anki – remember everything you read by automatically generating question cards from text.

🧠 Memorai is an AI to help you remember anything you read with minimal effort. 1. Select a passage you want to remember, right-click '🧠 Add to memorai'. 2. Our AI assistant reads the text and automatically creates a set of flash-cards questions. 3. Click the Memorai 🧠extension to see/edit the questions and send them to Anki. HOW TO INSTALL You need Anki installed for this to work. 1. Install this chrome extension 2. Open Anki (to install go to []( and download Anki for your desktop) 3. Add AnkiConnect add-on so this can send cards to anki • Tools > Add ons • Click 'Get Add ons...' and a box will appear asking for a code • Paste `2055492159` in the box and click OK HOW IT WORKS There are two parts to Memorai – an AI assistant that generates questions to quiz you and a powerful memory technique called spaced repetition. 1. You're browsing the internet when you come across a something you'd like to remember. 2. You highlight that text, rightclick and "add to Memorai", you will see the Memorai brain go pink. 3. Our AI assistant reads the text and automatically creates a set of flash-cards questions. 4. We spend 5 minutes quizzing you to help you remember BUT we don't quiz you all at once. Instead we use a memory technique called spaced repetition. We quiz you on day one and, if you remember, we quiz you again a week later and then a month later and then a few months later. We use Anki to automatically adjust the spacing between questions so that what you want to remember stays in your long term memory. After just 5 minutes of work (spread across a few weeks) you will have almost effortlessly learned whatever you wanted to remember! WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT US "This is perfect for remembering things from Medium!" - deliverator-487026 "Super cool! Lot of potential with this, look forward to how you develop it further." -- azl3n "This could be really cool even when learning a new language". -- pkadi

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  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    24 de enero de 2021
  • Ofrecido por
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    English (UK)
  • Desarrollador
    Correo electrónico
  • No comerciante
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