Medium Distribution Info
Imatge del logotip de l'element per a Medium Distribution Info

Medium Distribution Info


3 puntuacions

ExtensióXarxes socials668 usuaris
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 5
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 2
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 3
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 4
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 5
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 2
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 3
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 4
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 5

Visió general

Shows distribution info about your (and other people's stories) on Medium!

Do you feel that doesn't provide you with enough information about your stories as you want? Do you want to deep dive into your statistics and analyze which of your stories are doing great? And you want to know why? I decided to create a chrome extension that provides you with a little more detail about your stories by showing just that little extra. This extension shows which of your stories are Chosen for further Distribution (formerly known as Curated) right at your fingertips. Additionally, it tells you what topics the stories of other Medium-authors are distributed in. 🚀 FEATURES ⭐️ Shows which stories are Chosen for further Distribution in the stats-page ⭐️ Shows in which topic an article was chosen for further distribution ⭐️ Show the summary of your stats in a new row ⭐️ Shows additional distribution information in the statistics details of stories ⭐️ Shows the topics for which any story on was distributed ⭐️ Download your stats, including the primary distribution topic ⭐️ Analysis of distributed stories ⭐️ Compatible with Enhanced Medium Stats ⭐️ Compatible with Medium Next Generation Stats ⭐️ Compatible with Medium Earnings 📅 CHANGELOG The full changelog and all release notes can be found here: 🧩 SOURCE CODE The source will be uploaded to github sometime soon. ❤️ ATTRIBUTION The source code for this project was inspired by Enhanced Medium Stats by Tomas Trajan. Check out his extension at Some code was inspired by an extension by Guilherme Brito. Check out his awesome extension here: 🐛 FEATURE REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTS It's probably easiest to shoot me a message at medium: if you want to report a bug or request a feature ☕BUY ME A COFFEE Want to buy me a coffee? By all means! Visit for a donation. You do want to buy me a coffee, but not like this? Awesome, I hope we meet in real life! Or, if you don't, then it still would be great to meet you. 💕

5 de 53 puntuacions

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  • Versió
  • Actualitzat
    14 d’abril del 2022
  • Ofert per
  • Mida
  • Idiomes
  • Desenvolupador
    Correu electrònic
  • No comerciant
    Aquest desenvolupador no s'ha identificat com a comerciant. Els consumidors de la Unió Europea han de saber que els drets dels consumidors no s'aplicaran als contractes que concertin amb aquest desenvolupador.


El desenvolupador ha comunicat que no recollirà ni utilitzarà les teves dades.

Aquest desenvolupador declara que les teves dades:

  • No es venen a tercers, fora dels casos d'ús aprovats
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen amb finalitats que no estiguin relacionades amb la funcionalitat principal de l'element.
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen per determinar la situació creditícia ni per a finalitats de préstec


Si tens cap pregunta, suggeriment o problema, visita el lloc web d'assistència del desenvolupador

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