Love O'Clock
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Love O'Clock

366 Bewertungen

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Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot


Celebrate your love! Displays how long you have been together with your loved one. Plus soft anniversary reminders

This simple extension counts accurately how many years/months/days you have been together with your loved ones. Just key in the date in the option page, and that'd get this extension kicking. Extra features: - Anniversary reminder - with the option of monthly, yearly, or no reminder. - Really really cute emoticon (gif animation) next to the date - you can turn it off it you want. - 31 different emoticons in total. 1 for each day of the month. -------------------------------------------- I make this extension for my own personal use since I tend to forget my anniversary. And wouldn't it be nice to know that it has been "6 months and 3 days" without even counting? Your kind comments are welcomed. **I will NOT monetize this add-on. Please don't contacting me asking if I want to monetize it.** -------------------------------------------- Updates: 2017/03/12 - Fixed year. The year dropdown will show the current year down to current year - 100. 2014/03/04 - Added 2014 in the option. Fixed notification. 2013/01/01 - Added 2013 in the option. 2011/01/02 - Fixed minor day counting problem in January. -------------------------------------------- Notes: This extension was my very first side project right after taking my first computer science course. The year dropdown was originally hard-coded. It has since been fixed and I'm now a much better developer.

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  • Aktualisiert
    3. Dezember 2017
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