4 K de evaluări
)Prezentare generală
Lets you open, copy or bookmark multiple links at the same time.
Linkclump gives you the ability to drag a selection box around links using your mouse to quickly open as new tabs, open in new window, save as bookmarks, or copy to clipboard. Similar to Snap Links or Multi Links for Firefox. FEATURES - Action: choose to open links as new tabs, into a new window, copy to clipboard or saved to your bookmarks. You can setup multiple actions. - Activation: choose how to activated the selection box using different mouse and key combinations (including shift/alt/ctrl). - Smart Select: tries to select only the important links on the page. Turn off this option to open all selected links. - Auto Scroll: the page will automatically scroll up/down to make it easier to select all the links at once. - Filter Links: include/exclude links that contain certain words. - Delay: set a delay between the opening/closing of each tab. - OS Tested: works on windows, mac and linux operating systems. Please note that support can not be provided as this is a free extension. Developers are welcome to submit PRs at https://github.com/benblack86/linkclump.
4,6 din 54 K de evaluări
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- Versiune2.9.5
- Data ultimei actualizări10 aprilie 2024
- Oferit debenblack86
- Dimensiune201KiB
- LimbiEnglish
- Dezvoltator
linkclump.extension@gmail.com - Non-comerciantDezvoltatorul nu s-a identificat drept comerciant. Pentru consumatorii din Uniunea Europeană, reține că este posibil ca drepturile consumatorilor să nu se aplice contractelor încheiate între tine și acest dezvoltator.
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- nu sunt folosite sau transferate în scopuri care nu au legătură cu funcțiile principale ale articolului;
- nu sunt folosite sau transferate pentru a stabili solvabilitatea sau în scopuri de împrumut.
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