Letterboxd Movie Assistant
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Shows a page action for imdb/rotten tomatoes film pages to go to the letterboxd equivalant

Adds an icon in the address bar that comes up on Imdb and Rotten Tomatoes film pages. By pressing this icon a new tab will open that goes to the letterboxd film page. *Note: This extension is not made by the letterboxd team but someone who is a big fan of their site! Update 4/17/15 - Fixed the bug with Rotten Tomatoes so its now working again from there! Update 1/13/19 - Extension still works for IMDB but no longer works with Rotten Tomatoes since they removed their public API.

4.5 out of 524 ratings

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Alias NineteenAug 25, 2023

Works well but sometimes gets very confused. e.g. From IMDB: “Nope (2022),” the extension took me directly to LB: “Spandex Man 2007”. <?> Sometimes LB has no matched entry from IMDB, but that’s on LB, not this still useful extension.

1 person found this review to be helpful
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Pablo StafforiniAug 9, 2023

I'd give this extension five stars if it supported activation via a keyboard shortcut.

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David GroßMay 6, 2022

please extend it so it covers imdb ID's with one more digit! Unfortunately I have to reduce my rating to 3 stars now. It's getting more and more annoying with these 8 digit titles since you refuse to update your program. MAybe you could hand it over to someone else who's willing to work on it to make it work with all digits. Thank you!

3 out of 3 people found this helpful


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  • Updated
    January 13, 2019
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Letterboxd Lists Progress


Know your lists' progress without having to open them.

Letterboxd Metacritic Addon


Adds Metacritic features to Letterboxd.com

Letterboxd IMDb Trivia


Shows IMDb trivia on Letterboxd movie pages.

Letterboxd Streaming Providers


Adds a filter for streaming providers to Letterboxd.

Letterboxd Enhanced


User average ratings, quicklinks, hide average scores on film pages, and more. *NEW: ADDED RANDOM WATCHLIST BUTTON*

Letterboxd Extras


Displays additional scores on Letterboxd (IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic).



Adds torrent search shortcuts to Letterboxd

Letterboxd Shortcuts


Keyboard shortcuts for Letterboxd.

Awards List on Letterboxd


This addon makes available awards lists on Letterboxd film pages. It also marks oscar winning crew members.

More Ratings on Letterboxd


See IMDB, RottenTomatoes, and Metacritic ratings on Letterboxd

Letterboxd Rotten Tomatoes Addon


Adds Rotten Tomatoes features to Letterboxd.com

Letterboxd Top 2000


Shows the ranking of each of the top 2000 highest rated movies on their respective page.

Letterboxd Lists Progress


Know your lists' progress without having to open them.

Letterboxd Metacritic Addon


Adds Metacritic features to Letterboxd.com

Letterboxd IMDb Trivia


Shows IMDb trivia on Letterboxd movie pages.

Letterboxd Streaming Providers


Adds a filter for streaming providers to Letterboxd.

Letterboxd Enhanced


User average ratings, quicklinks, hide average scores on film pages, and more. *NEW: ADDED RANDOM WATCHLIST BUTTON*

Letterboxd Extras


Displays additional scores on Letterboxd (IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic).



Adds torrent search shortcuts to Letterboxd

Letterboxd Shortcuts


Keyboard shortcuts for Letterboxd.

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