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Perform Live Interactive and Automated Cross Browser Testing on 2000+ Real Browsers and Operating Systems

LambdaTest Chrome Extension helps you run cross browser tests on our cloud platform faster and easier. Choose configurations faster, select your favorite configurations, most used lists and launch tests directly from your browser tab. What you can do with LambdaTest Chrome Extension? This extension helps users to increase productivity, reduce time in testing, achieve faster time to market and increased collaboration. Here are the new and exciting features, 👇 Faster Real Time Tests: With LambdaTest chrome extension installed, you can just tap in, turn in the url, select the browsers and its launched. Test your websites in real time across 2000+ browsers 🚀 Run Tests on the fly with Favourites: No need to repeat the process of selecting realtime browsers everytime. Add your favorite configurations, and one click is all you need from your browser tab. 🔥 Generate Screenshots: Take direct screenshots on upto 25 different browser and operating system configurations at a time. 🖼️ Schedule Screenshots: No need to run the screenshot tests manually every time. Simply schedule the screenshots with preferred date, time and configurations. LambdaTest will automatically run the tests and Screenshots will be delivered to you 🚚 Geolocation Tests: Test how your website looks or behaves across different locations. Select the location and browser combinations and let LambdaTest do the work for you 🌎 We keep updating the features are per your feedback 😎 About LambdaTest: LambdaTest is a cross browser testing platform where developers and testers can perform manual and automation tests at scale. With the robust cloud infrastructure, LambdaTest supports 2000+ browsers and browser versions that are consistently updated to help you reduce the time in testing.

4.6 out of 519 ratings

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  • Version
  • Updated
    November 23, 2024
  • Size
  • Languages
  • Developer
    LambdaTest, Inc.
    1390 Market St STE 200 San Francisco, CA 94102-5404 US
    +1 916-758-2616
  • Trader
    This developer has identified itself as a trader per the definition from the European Union.
  • D-U-N-S


LambdaTest has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. More detailed information can be found in the developer's privacy policy.

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  • Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes


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