Ngajak Jalan
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Ngajak Jalan


22 de evaluări

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Prezentare generală

Looking for a serious relationship, or just for fun? Ngajak Jalan is an Indonesian dating website. Join for free!

Why do girls hesitate meeting guys online? Because they're afraid if the guy looks different than his photo—and that's the least of scary things that could happen! What if we could check the guy's identity, and give you, ladies, cash if you don't like him after going out? You deserve a treat if he wastes your time. After all, time is money, and dressing up is ain't cheap. By paying for the first date, the guys set the bar up and most of the time ladies have a good impression of guys doing so. It shows that the guy is not stingy or guarded with his money. It also show that the willingness of the guy to give a shot on the date. Oh, are you a guy? This is Good Thing for you as well, less hassle to convince the girls! Ngajak Jalan is an Indonesian online dating to find your true love. Looking for a serious relationship, or just for fun? Join for free! Our system is secure, respects your privacy and legal. We won't publish your email nor private details, not even your real name!

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    6 aprilie 2013
  • Dimensiune
  • Limbi
    3 limbi
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  • Non-comerciant
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