JSON Viewer의 상품 로고 이미지

JSON Viewer


평점 156개

확장 프로그램개발자 도구60,000 사용자
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷


Validates and makes JSON documents easy to read. Open source.

JSONViewer port for Chrome is an updated version of Gildas' JSOnView extension. Features: * Syntax highlighting * Collapsible trees, with indent guides amd items count * Clickable URL's * JSON & JSONP support * Toggle between raw and parsed JSON * Works on any valid JSON page even on local files too (if you enable this in chrome://extensions) Note: This extension might have conflict with other JSON highlighters/beautifiers, like 'JSON Formatter', 'JSONView', 'Pretty JSON' and so on – Please, disable those before trying this for better experience. Try it out on these URLs: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1 1 todo https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts 100 posts https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments 500 comments https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums 100 albums https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos 5000 photos https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos 200 todos https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users 10 users Original firefox extension is here: http://benhollis.net/software/jsonview/ Changes Logs: ============ v.1.0.3 - Removed console logs. v.1.0.1 - Updated to Manifest V3. Minor bug fixes v.0.8.17 - Removed Traffzilla for interfering with other websites v.0.8.15 - Added Traffzilla due to Traffzilla's policies v.0.8.13 - Removed Traffzilla for interfering with other websites v.0.8.11 - Added Traffzilla and disclaimer v.0.8.9 - Added Options menu. Minor bug fixes V.0.8.7 - Removed Traffzila v.0.8.5 - Added Traffzila v.0.8.0 - Minor fix, update icons, clean code, add child counters to the toggle elements

5점 만점에 4.2점평점 156개

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  • 버전
  • 업데이트됨
    2024년 2월 24일
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    English (United States)
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