Image Splitter
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Image Splitter


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Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Plugin Introduction Image Splitter is a Chrome plugin designed specifically for handling grid images (like 4x4) generated by…

Plugin Introduction Image Splitter is a Chrome plugin designed specifically for handling grid images (like 4x4) generated by Midjourney and Stable Diffusion models. It helps you quickly split a grid image into individual images, with one click to download and save them onto your computer. For the sake of your privacy, our plugin does not support reading Midjourney image URLs. All operations are completed on your own local machine, so you don't have to worry about your data being uploaded or shared. With the Image Divider plugin, you can easily split a 4x4 Midjourney grid image into individual images. The unique splitting algorithm ensures the quality of the split images, making your works more artistic. Features ✓ Split a Midjourney 4x4 grid image into individual images. ✓ Supports image splitting by uploading. ✓ One-click to download and save the split images to your computer. ✓ Supports batch processing, no need to upload images one by one. ✓ Automatically generates a compressed package, convenient for you to download all split images at once. Security and Privacy We highly value user security and privacy. For your privacy, the plugin does not support reading Midjourney image URLs, and all operations are conducted locally on your own machine. Your data will only be processed on your own device, and will never be sent anywhere else. We respect and protect your privacy, so you can use our service with confidence. The Image Splitter plugin makes image splitting simple and fast. Try it now, and start your creative journey! Support If you have any questions, please keep in touch via

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