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How Fugu is the Web?

EkstensiDeveloper Tools50 pengguna
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An extension to shine light on the Project Fugu 🐡 APIs web apps want to use.

How it works API data The raw data for the different Project Fugu 🐡 APIs is curated in a spreadsheet, which is then turned into JavaScript, so keeping the list of APIs updated is hopefully a straightforward task. API detection The extension monitors the requests a page makes via the chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener() API. Each response body, grouped by main frame, JavaScript, and Web App Manifest response bodies, is then run through a set of regular expressions like /navigator\.hid\.requestDevice\s*\(/g to determine if the code hints at a Project Fugu 🐡 API potentially being used. Browser support detection Most Project Fugu 🐡 APIs are easily feature-detectable by checking for the existence of interfaces or properties, for example, as in 'BarcodeDetector' in window. Other APIs require a ServiceWorkerRegistration, but luckily the popup window in Manifest V3 extensions uses a service worker, so it can be used via an IIFE that can be run in the client or the service worker. An example is (async () => 'periodicSync' in (await navigator.serviceWorker?.ready || self.registration))(). The support categories are listed below: ✔️ Supported by your browser. 🚫 Not supported by your browser. 🤷 Support unknown for your browser. (The only way to know would be user-agent sniffing.) Deep-linking The extension makes use of Text Fragment URLs to deep-link to the occurrence of a detected API, for example For main frame documents, the source code gets rendered in a helper HTML page controlled by the extension, since it is impossible to link to view-source: protocol links. Limitations • The chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener() API unfortunately does not "see" requests that are handled by a service worker ( There are three possible workarounds for this: - Hard-reload via ⌘/ctrl+shift+r. - Open DevTools and check the Bypass for network checkbox in the Service Worker section of the Application tab. - Clear storage in the Storage section of the Application tab. • The extension only does static code analysis, that is, there is no guarantee that the app actually uses the code snippet where a Project Fugu 🐡 API was detected. • Heavily minified code will not be detected. For example, if an app minifies navigator.clipboard.write() to const nav = navigator; nav.clipboard.write(), the extension will not detect this. License Apache 2.0.

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    5 Maret 2025
  • Ditawarkan oleh
    Thomas Steiner
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
  • Developer
    Thomas Steiner
    Neanderstr. 3 Hamburg 20459 Germany
  • Non-pedagang
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