HLS Downloader: изображение логотипа

HLS Downloader


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Скриншот: 3


Download fragmented media files with HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) downloader.

HLS Downloader lets you easily download fragmented media files (with .ts file extension) from the internet. HLS or HTTP Live Steam is a new media format developed by Apple Inc. It contains a master playlist with the ".m3u8" file extension. First, the extension downloads the master playlist, and then within the master, it finds playlist content. Each playlist has several fragmented items. All items are displayed in the UI with a download and a remove button. When you press the download button the extension downloads all fragmented media and merges them all to generate a single media file. Note 1: the interface for the extension can be opened in a new tab or a separate window. Please right-click on the toolbar button to choose the appropriate context. Within the UI, there is a toggle button to turn the addon ON or OFF. Note 2: HLS Downloader is NOT responsible for media content that you download with this add-on. We strongly recommend that you verify the related media copyright permissions on each website before downloading any media file(s). Note 3: to download the HLS stream you gave 3 options. (1) To add a stream URL manually, please enter the desired URL with the ".m3u8" file extension in the UI. (2) As you browse the internet, this extension monitors the webpages and captures all HLS media files, and if anything is found, automatically downloads the playlist and updates the badge number accordingly (only when the addon is turned ON). The 3rd option for downloading the HLS stream is via the context-menu item. Please right-click on ".m3u8" streams and then select - Download with HLS Downloader - from the context menu. If you have a feature request or found a bug to report, please fill out the bug report form on the add-on's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/hls-downloader.html).

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    29 октября 2024 г.
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