Image Downloader - Save pictures
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Image Downloader - Save pictures


503 Bewertungen

ErweiterungKunst & Design1.000.000 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot


Find, choose and download images you need from any web pages or select all to bulk image download at once.

Image Downloader - Save pictures for Chrome is a tool that helps you find the images published on a web page. The images may be protected by copyright and you should always assume that they are. It's a free tool that works without registrations and sign ups. Just make a few clicks and here you go! Images will be saved to your PC in seconds. A powerful Extension that gives you fast and convenient access to all images on any web page. Just click and download image on popular web sites such us Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and also on others sites, simple as that! Image Downloader easy to use with responsive and intuitive design, so you don't need a special skills to use it properly. Just a single click to download all the images and colors available of any webpage. You can now with this Image downloader click on a single image to download or click on the - Select All - button to select and download all images at once. Alternatively, you can select a single image to download. With a bulk image saver, it becomes possible to download all website images simultaneously with simple clicks. What do you get by installing this Chrome Extension: ✔️ Filter based on pixel width and height ✔️ Download location (create folder directly to your images) ✔️ Display images in two columns ✔️ Filter based on url ✔️ Bulk download all images in once ✔️ Select what images you want to download ✔️ Check the size of each image ✔️Copy the url of the original image ✔️ Supporting all principal websites Now you can download all the images you might ever need. Every image format can be downloaded by this Picture Downloader extension. Our new application doesn't weigh a lot but simply does the job. Don't wait and install brand new extension and you'll get something special. Simple bulk image download extension, filter by resolution and file type, download photos from multiple tabs in one click. After installing this powerful Photo Downloader extension you will see a great improvement. You won't find a better tool to simplify the process than application. Before reusing an image, make sure you check its license and the specific terms of reuse. Do not use any image, illustration or photograph without researching its copyright status first.

4,6 von 5503 Bewertungen

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Gabriele Müller31.05.2024

Funktioniert einwandfrei und ist sehr nützlich.

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Sakuna Bakant07.02.2024

macht nicht das was es machen soll

1 von 2 fanden diese Rezension hilfreich


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    8. Mai 2024
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