Ahrefs SEO Toolbar: On-Page and SERP Tools
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Ahrefs SEO Toolbar: On-Page and SERP Tools


212 calificaciones

ExtensiónHerramientas200,000 usuarios
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Descripción general

On-page SEO report, broken link checker, redirect tracer, and country changer for search results in one extension.

The Ahrefs SEO Toolbar is a comprehensive and free multi-tool designed for SEO professionals and webmasters. It offers a suite of valuable features, including: 🔸 On-page SEO report (meta tags, word count, etc.) 🔸 Structured data (schema) checker 🔸 Broken link checker 🔸 Link highlighter 🔸 Redirect tracer 🔸 User-agent switcher 🔸 Country changer for search results 🔸 Domain highlighter for SERPs. If you have a paid subscription with Ahrefs, you also get SEO metrics for the pages you visit and for the SERP results (with export). ⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE ⚠️ It is essential to note that this extension does not provide free access to Ahrefs' metrics. *** Here is how Ahrefs SEO Toolbar can make your everyday SEO work easier: 1️⃣ On-page SEO report By clicking on the extension icon or using a keyboard shortcut when browsing a web page, you can access an on-page SEO report that includes: 🔹 Title and Description (for JS-powered websites, you can compare tags in raw HTML and on the rendered version) 🔹 Canonical URL 🔹 Indexability and crawlability (Robots Meta Tags, X-Robots-Tag, canonical tags) 🔹 Headers and sub-headers structure of content 🔹 Word count 🔹 Social tags (Open Graph Tags and Twitter Cards) 🔹 Images 2️⃣ Structured data checker This extension can display JSON-LD structured data in a clear and compact view. You don't need to dig into the page code to check its schema.org data. We've also added a quick way to validate structured data. 3️⃣ Link checker, broken link checker, and link highlighter Ahrefs SEO Toolbar can read all the outgoing links on a page and highlight them based on the filters you set, including: 🔹 External links 🔹 Internal links 🔹 Nofollow links 🔹 UGC links 🔹 Sponsored links 🔹 Their combination Moreover, you can check the status of external links and identify broken links and redirects. 4️⃣ HTTP header reader and redirect tracer With Ahrefs SEO Toolbar, you can easily check HTTP response headers for the URL you visit. This feature can also help you track the redirects or redirect chains that took you to the destination URL. You can check HTTP response headers for every URL in a redirect. 5️⃣ Country changer for SERP (search location simulator) Ahrefs SEO Toolbar also includes a feature that lets you check search results in any country without needing a VPN or additional services. This search location simulator can help you better understand the differences in search results based on location and optimize your SEO strategy accordingly. 6️⃣ Domain highlighter for SERP Add up to 10 domains that will be highlighted with color whenever they appear on SERP for the keywords that you're researching. *** User information handled by Ahrefs SEO Toolbar (only for Ahrefs subscribers): - The page you're browsing and its URL - to show Page and Domain metrics - Search query - to show the keyword metrics We do not store this information and will not disclose it. Ahrefs general terms and conditions: https://ahrefs.com/terms Ahrefs SEO Toolbar privacy policy: https://ahrefs.com/toolbar-policy

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