Bird View
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Bird View


2 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung27 Nutzer
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Allow yourself to become more organized and productive by viewing your tasks from a bird's eye view.

Source cord: Bird View is a productivity google extension app based on a prototype named BonBon (built in AtomHacks). Procrastination and being unorganized is a big problem for many teenagers and college students. While planners allow students to write down detailed schedules, it is easier for a digital copy to appear on the side when they are on google chrome. With organized checklists broken down into categories, alarms to force pages to open, and a bookmarking system, it allows users to be on task every minute. ---------MENU-------- ***Opening "Bird View" Menu*** -Click the eye icon -Press "Ctrl+Shift+Y" for Windows, Linux, Chrome OS -Press "Command+Shift+Y" for Mac ---------CHECKLIST-------- -Double click the "x" button to delete list -Click on categories or list items to rename and hit ENTER -Check off the checkbox to delete the item -Last opened category will open when you reopen the extension ---------ALARM-------- -Enter the name or message for the alarm -Check off the repeat checkbox if you want the alarm to repeat -Enter a value for either countdown box OR time box -Check off the checkbox next to the alarm if you want to delete it -To force open a page at a certain time, type /os:index where index is the index of the URL item in SAVED -> eg. /os:1 opens the first URL on the saved list ---------SAVED-------- ***Bookmarking a page*** -Press "Ctrl+Shift+K" for Windows, Linux, Chrome OS -Press "Command+Shift+K" for Mac -Click the "x" button to remove the bookmark **DISCLAIMER** Please do not enter too many checklist items or perform a lot of tasks or else the app will crash. There is a quota on the number of calls for the google developer APIs. Lastly, there might be bugs so please email if you find one!

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  • Aktualisiert
    11. August 2019
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