Visão geral
All the GIFs and Stickers from in a compact extension. Just search, then drag and drop!
GIPHY's search engine at your fingertips. Search for the coolest GIFs and Stickers, and then drag and drop to your target. * Drag and drop support depends on the website you are dropping on, they may correctly display the GIF, or they may insert a link. * If dragging outside the browser, first "click" on a GIF to see the large view and then drag the high res image. In the browser, dragging the small images is okay, it will still insert the large image, but outside the browser you'll need to drag the large image as what is dropped is beyond our control. Using Gmail? We have an extension for that as well! Search for "GIPHY for Gmail". Please contact our support if you have any issues: Learn about GIPHY's privacy practices here:
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- Versão3.13
- Atualização12 de maio de 2023
- Tamanho1.04MiB
- IdiomasEnglish
- DesenvolvedorWebsite
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