Are you sure?
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Are you sure?


27 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung292 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Confirm before you visit certain websites

Are you sure? ============= Are you sure? is a simple extension to help you stay productive on the internet. Distracting sites can be fun, but it's too easy to just visit them without thinking. You can be in the middle of some important work and, before you know it, your fingers have betrayed you and you're looking at cat gifs again. This extension just pops up a simple dialog box asking "Are you sure?" when you visit a distracting site. It doesn't try to stop you, just helps you be aware of what you're doing so you can make a fully informed decision. It will ask at most once every 5 minutes by default. The site list is configurable, so you can add whichever sites are most distracting to you. The extension uses Chrome's event filtering API, so it should use no extra memory or CPU except when you're loading one of the sites on the list. The source is available at - feel free to post issues or suggestions there. Changes in 3.0 -------------- * Background opacity is now configurable * Keyboard support/accessibility * Prevent page CSS from interfering with the button

4,1 von 527 Bewertungen

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    19. November 2019
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