Indeed Web Scraping
Imagen del logotipo del elemento de Indeed Web Scraping

Indeed Web Scraping

1 calificación

ExtensiónHerramientas61 usuarios
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

Extracting jobs, salaries, locations, and job seeker profiles from Indeed and exporting them to a CSV file for use in Excel.

Scraping job details from Indeed Scraping data from Indeed allows you to get your hands on fresh and extensive data quickly. With over 250 million users worldwide, Indeed is a prominent job site offering a wealth of information. By using an Indeed scraper, you can gain insights into job trends, track hiring patterns, stay informed about the job market, find job openings that match specific criteria, and create more targeted job postings. This can benefit numerous parties, including HR managers, recruiters, and business owners. Why scrape Indeed data? Scraping Indeed data provides quick access to a vast and up-to-date pool of information. With millions of users, Indeed offers valuable insights into job trends, hiring patterns, and the overall job market. Using an Indeed scraper enables users to find relevant job openings, create targeted job postings, and benefit HR managers, recruiters, and business owners. What information does it scrape? Our Indeed scraper can extract data from job posts, including job titles, date posted, company name, location, salary, company ratings, and apply URLs. How to scrape Indeed data? Using our tool to scrape data from Indeed is both simple and straightforward. All it takes are these simple steps: 1. Open; 2. Use basic queries, such as job title, company name, and location to search on the Indeed website; 3. Copy the URL of the search results page from the browser location bar; 4. Input the URL into the extension's input box, click "EXPORT JOBS", wait for the process to complete, and then click "Download Jobs" to receive your data in a CSV file format for use with Excel.

5 de 51 calificación

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  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    7 de abril de 2024
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    54 idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
  • No comerciante
    El desarrollador no se identificó como comerciante. Si eres un consumidor de la Unión Europea, ten en cuenta que los derechos de los consumidores no aplican a los contratos entre el desarrollador y tú.


Indeed Web Scraping divulgó la siguiente información sobre la recopilación y el uso de tus datos. En la política de privacidad del desarrollador, encontrarás más información.

Indeed Web Scraping controla lo siguiente:

Comunicaciones personales

Este desarrollador declara el siguiente tratamiento de tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para fines no relacionados con la funcionalidad principal del elemento
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para determinar tu solvencia ni ofrecer préstamos


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