IGExport - Follower Export Tool for IG
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IGExport - Follower Export Tool for IG


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Descripción general

Visualize your Instagram social circles and export links to CSV to monitor the reach and influence of your online presence.

The Ultimate Instagram Follower and Following Export Tool IGExport is a powerful IG Follower Export Tool that simplifies the process of exporting IG followers and following lists. With just one click, you can easily export your followers' and following users' data to a CSV file, making it convenient for further analysis or management. This tool is designed to enhance your Instagram experience and provide a seamless way to export valuable follower and following information. # Key Features: 1. Effortless Export: With IGExporter, exporting IG followers and following lists to a CSV file is a breeze. Save time and effort by exporting your followers and following users with just a single click. 2. Comprehensive Data: Gain valuable insights by exporting not only the list of followers but also the list of accounts you follow. Additionally, export follower/following counts for a comprehensive understanding of your Instagram network. 3. User-Friendly Interface: IGExport provides a simple and intuitive interface. Just enter an Instagram username, choose the export type (followers or following), and click the export button to generate the CSV file. 4. Privacy Protection: We prioritize the privacy and security of your data. IGExport processes all the information locally on your computer, ensuring that no data passes through external servers. # How does it work? 1. Enter an Instagram Username: Start by entering the username of the Instagram account for which you want to export data. 2. Choose the Export Type: Select whether you want to export the followers or the following list of the specified Instagram account. 3. Customize Export Options: Optionally, you can choose to include follower/following counts in the exported data for a more comprehensive analysis. 4. Click the Export Button: Once you have selected the desired export type and customized the options, simply click the export button to initiate the export process. By following these steps, you can easily export the specified Instagram account's followers or following list with the chosen export options. To safeguard your primary Instagram account from potential temporary restrictions, we strongly recommend creating a new account solely dedicated to data exports. By separating your data export activities from your main account, you can minimize the risk of any disruptions to your regular Instagram usage. # Frequently Asked Questions: For more information and answers to common queries, please visit our FAQ page at https://igexport.getwebooster.com. # Contact Us: If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at getwebooster@gmail.com. # Privacy Policy: To understand how we protect your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy at https://getwebooster.com/privacy-policy. # Disclaimer: IGExport is Unofficial, Not Associated with Instagram Please be aware that our browser extension is an unofficial tool and is not affiliated with Instagram. We want to clarify that this extension operates independently and is not endorsed or connected to Instagram in any way. Any actions or usage of this extension are separate from the official Instagram platform. For any concerns related to your official Instagram account, please reach out to Instagram's official support. Thank you for your understanding.

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  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    8 de septiembre de 2023
  • Ofrecido por
    WeBooster Team
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  • Idiomas
    54 idiomas
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IGExport - Follower Export Tool for IG divulgó la siguiente información sobre la recopilación y el uso de tus datos. En la política de privacidad del desarrollador, encontrarás más información.

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  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
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