Eye Saver - Break Reminder
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Eye Saver - Break Reminder


9 evaluări

ExtensieStare de bine1.000 de utilizatori
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2
Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2
Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2

Prezentare generală

Eye Saver helps remind you to look away from the screen to prevent eye strain.

A simple timer to remind you to look away from the screen! EyeSaver promotes the 20-20-20 rule that was designed by optometrist Jeffrey Anshel. The 20-20-20 rule involves looking away from your computer screen every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds at a time, at something that is 20 feet away. This simple rule has been proven to promote healthier eyes! Benefits from this extension include: - Prevents eye strain - Combats computer addiction - Combats lower back pain - Improves mood - Prevents eye strain related headaches - Prevents red eyes - Boosts energy Features from this extension include: - Full browser overlays during break time - Customizable reminder durations - Desktop notifications - Sound notifications - Ability to stop and resume timer with a single click - Synchronization of settings across browsers with the same chrome profile We understand that your privacy is very important. Eye Saver does not have access to your browsing history.

4,6 din 59 evaluări

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    5 aprilie 2024
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