ESI Stylish
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ESI Stylish


131 Bewertungen

ErweiterungBedienungshilfen3.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot


Improve vision and posture in a few clicks thanks to ESI styles!

ESI (eyes saving interface) «preserving eye interface" - a project for preserving of the health of the eyes and the back (posture), which eliminates one of the main causes of poor vision and stoop - need to look at tiny fonts. If the user can not physically see the small print, it is necessary either to reduce the distance to the monitor or to use additional vision correction, or use often incorrect|impractical scaling. We are engaged in adapting the sites under the CORRECT display with a minimum font size of 16 pixels (12 points), which will allow it to healthy people stay healthy and people Sighted feel healthier. At the moment, it is only a PROTOTYPE, there are glitches in the ESI styles and disadvantages. If you like the idea, you can tell your friends about it as well as support the development of ESI-style material. This plugin is based on the popular Stylish with a small difference: he searches for ESI styles for websites, making it easier to install them. Are you sure you can also find custom styles on the site, and many of them will be compatible with ESI-styles.

3,4 von 5131 Bewertungen

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Kaoi Masteres27.03.2019

ESI importiert nicht die Designs von userstyles, obwohl ESI die Seite aufruft und die Übersicht der entsprechenden Seitendesigns anzeigt. Jedes Design muß man selbst hinzufügen. Hinzu kommt, daß es kein Backup der eingetragenen Designs/Styles anbietet. Schwache Leistung.

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    8. März 2019
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    18 Sprachen
  • Entwickler
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