Equatio - Math made digital
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Equatio - Math made digital


625 rating

EkstensiPendidikan5.000.000 pengguna
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Easily create mathematical equations, formulas and quizzes. Intuitively type or handwrite, with no tricky math code to learn.

Until now, writing equations and math expressions on your computer has been slow and laborious. Equatio makes math digital, helping teachers and students at all levels create math expressions quickly and easily. Type or handwrite virtually any mathematical expression directly on your keyboard or touchscreen. There’s no need for any complicated code or programming languages. Equatio instantly turns your thoughts into clear, accurate on-screen formulas. When you type ‘sq’, it knows that you mean ‘square root’. And it listens, too. When you dictate a formula aloud, Equatio is smart enough to ignore ‘umms’, ‘errs’ and other unwanted non-math words. More than a replacement for pen and paper, Equatio makes math and other STEM subjects engaging and rewarding for every student. Features: - Easily create math expressions including equations and formulas - Compatible with Google Docs, Forms*, Slides*, Sheets* & Drawings* - Input via keyboard, handwriting recognition* (via touchscreen or touchpad) and voice dictation - Guesses what you’re typing or writing - like predictive text on your smartphone* - Hear your math expressions read out loud - Compatible with LaTeX input for advanced users - Create interactive digital math quizzes* - Input student responses directly into digital quizzes* - Chemistry formula prediction* Try Equatio free for 30 days, with unlimited access to all features. After this time Premium features* require a licensing subscription. Get more information on Equatio features, licensing and pricing at: https://www.texthelp.com/en-us/products/equatio/

4,0 dari 5625 rating

Google tidak memverifikasi ulasan. Pelajari lebih lanjut hasil dan ulasan.

Foto profil pengulas

John Barula23 Sep 2021

Tidak bisa digunakan, mungkin sudah berbayar.

2 dari 2 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Foto profil pengulas

Evie Delimarta11 Sep 2021

Sekarang ga muncul lagi, padahal masih terinstal di google chrome. bagaimana cara memunculkannya kembali di google form?

4 dari 4 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Foto profil pengulas

Kasmia Ompusunggu1 Apr 2021

saya download untuk google form tapi gak bisa kelihatan lagi di formulir kosong tapi jadi muncul diatas sisi kanan laptop pada saat kita lagi buka web site solusinya gimana ya ? agar bisa muncul lagi di google form saya udah capek kotak katik tapi gak bisa muncul lagi sampai-sampai aku hapus terus download lagi berulang-ulang

3 dari 3 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna


  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    12 April 2024
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    8 bahasa
  • Developer
    Texthelp Ltd
    1 Orchard Way Greystone Road Antrim BT41 2RU GB
    Situs Web
  • Pedagang
    Developer ini telah mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang berdasarkan definisi dari Uni Eropa.


Equatio - Math made digital telah mengungkapkan informasi berikut ini terkait pengumpulan dan penggunaan data Anda. Informasi lebih mendetail dapat dilihat di kebijakan privasi developer.

Equatio - Math made digital menangani hal berikut:

Informasi identitas pribadi
Aktivitas pengguna
Konten situs

Developer ini menyatakan bahwa data Anda

  • Tidak dijual ke pihak ketiga, di luar kasus penggunaan yang disetujui
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk tujuan yang tidak terkait dengan fungsi inti item
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk menentukan kelayakan kredit atau untuk tujuan pinjaman


Untuk mendapatkan bantuan terkait pertanyaan, saran, atau masalah, kunjungi situs dukungan developer




Create, convert, connect: take your digital documents to the next level with OrbitNote.



Dualless - For those who don't have dual monitor.

Math Equations Anywhere


Add equations to your math page

MATH Keys - Editor Persamaan & Rumus


Editor persamaan online gratis yang memungkinkan pengguna menulis persamaan, rumus, dan simbol matematika secara online

Persamaan Lateks Matematika untuk Google Chrome ™


Anda dapat mengedit dan menyimpannya sebagai gambar ke Google Drive.

Math Tools


Super calculator with ability to graph, type or handwrite equations. Equation cropping to input equations into docs & forms.

Equation Finder


Quickly look up math and science equations.

Quick Equations


A fast, shortcut based equation editor with realtime preview and WolframAlpha, WeBWorK and Google Forms support.

Graspable Math Sidebar


Interact with mathematical expressions you find on Wikipedia or other webpages.

Screenshot reader


Screenshot reading support for Read&Write for Google Chrome™

Google Meet Tweak (Emojis, Text, Cam Effects)


Send emojis, Text Overlay, Cam Effects and layout tweaks in Google Meet + record meetings with Zoomcorder

Mote: voice notes & feedback


Mote - fast, friendly voice messaging



Create, convert, connect: take your digital documents to the next level with OrbitNote.



Dualless - For those who don't have dual monitor.

Math Equations Anywhere


Add equations to your math page

MATH Keys - Editor Persamaan & Rumus


Editor persamaan online gratis yang memungkinkan pengguna menulis persamaan, rumus, dan simbol matematika secara online

Persamaan Lateks Matematika untuk Google Chrome ™


Anda dapat mengedit dan menyimpannya sebagai gambar ke Google Drive.

Math Tools


Super calculator with ability to graph, type or handwrite equations. Equation cropping to input equations into docs & forms.

Equation Finder


Quickly look up math and science equations.

Quick Equations


A fast, shortcut based equation editor with realtime preview and WolframAlpha, WeBWorK and Google Forms support.

Aplikasi Google