Epic UserWeb Search
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Epic UserWeb Search


6 Bewertungen

ErweiterungTools820 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Type 'uw ' and your search term to instantly search the Epic UserWeb. 'uw sherlock ' searches Sherlock logs.

Do you want to directly search Epic's galaxy without having to wait for the galaxy screen to load? This extension allows you to do exactly that. Simply type 'uw' followed by a space and your search term in Chrome's Omnibox and your query will be sent directly to galaxy. Need to search Sherlock? Simply type 'uw sherlock' followed by a space and your search term in the Omnibox and your query will go to Sherlock. Want to go directly to the Support Log and know it's number, just type 'uw sherlock' followed by a space and the Sherlock Id and you'll go straight to it. Want to search UserWeb threads? Type 'uw topic' followed by a space and your search term in the Omnibox and your query will search the UserWeb threads. Want to search Nova just like Sherlock? Follow the instructions above and using 'uw nova' as your key text and off you'll go. This project is open source and happily accepts pull requests on GitHub: https://github.com/MarkIannucci/ChromeUserWebSearchExtension

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    8. Dezember 2021
  • Angeboten von
    Mark Iannucci
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
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