Tool for debugging Ember applications.
The Ember Inspector is a plug-in for the Chrome developer tools that makes understanding and debugging your Ember.js application a snap. After installing this extension, you'll be able to easily: - View all of the routes defined in your application. - Reference Ember's naming conventions for your URLs, including what to name your controllers, templates, routes and more. - Overlay your application with information about what templates, controllers, and models are currently being rendered. - Inspect the objects in your application, such as models and controllers, with UI that fully supports Ember features such as bindings and computed properties. - Make your application's objects available in the console as the $E variable. - If you're using Ember Data, see all of the records that have been loaded. The Ember Inspector is an open source project maintained by the Ember.js community. The source code is available for download at https://github.com/emberjs/ember-inspector.
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