Trello Folds (Kanban for Trello)
Logobild des Artikels für Trello Folds (Kanban for Trello)

Trello Folds (Kanban for Trello)


32 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung2.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot


Turn your Trello board into a Kanban system with WiP limits, combining lists, card count and collapsible lists

This extension adds foldable lists and sections to Trello boards, together with per list WiP limits turning your Trello board into a Kanban system. Features ==================== - Combine lists and share WiP limit between lists. E.g. " progress" and "development.done" ⇒ combines to one "development" list with two sub lists - Press ⨯ in the list top right corner to fold it. Press anywhere on the folded list to expand it again. - Turn cards into collapsable sections with a selected character repeated N times (defaults to double hashes, i.e. "##") - Add WiP limits to lists by adding it in brackets to the list title, e.g. "My List [5]" - Remembers view state for boards (can be disabled) - Select how to visualize lists where WiP limit is exceeded - Open the extension popup to configure it FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS APPRECIATED. ** CHANGELOG ** New in 0.10.3 ==================== - Changed load behavior to work with changes in Trello New in 0.10.2 ==================== - Fixed collapsed board rendering offset issue due to changes in Trello's DOM/styles. - Fixed bug with not remembering board collapsed state - Minor fixes for board button hovering New in 0.10.1 ==================== - Further tweaks with board initialization/loading to make it more reliable. Hopefully it worked :-/ - Changed the default "load timeout" to 100 ms. Try increasing this value if boards do not load properly. New in 0.10 ==================== - Removed dependency on jQuery - Improvements/tweaks to board initialization - New "load timeout" setting (defaults to 1500 ms). Try to increase this value if boards do not load properly. New in 0.9 ==================== - Support for combining multiple (more than two) lists(!!) - Better realtime more accurate adjustment of combined list height - Combined list feature on by default when installing - Fix when collapsing combined lists - Fixes related to adding and removing lists in conjunction with combined lists - Fix for "Compact Mode" button in wrong state after filtering - Fixed backgound color for super lists - Fix for having URL in title causing card not to count in WiP limit For the full changelog go to the project's GitHub page.

3,8 von 532 Bewertungen

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    13. Juli 2022
  • Angeboten von
    Magnus Nord
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    English (United States)
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