Edu-Assemble shapes
Az elem logóját tartalmazó kép a következőhöz: Edu-Assemble shapes

Edu-Assemble shapes


1 értékelés

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The "Assemble Shapes" is a puzzle game for children of preschool age. This app is based on real objects and their parts. What…

The "Assemble Shapes" is a puzzle game for children of preschool age. This app is based on real objects and their parts. What application offers your children? - a system of three levels “educational environments” - more than 20 tasks to solving - tasks with real objects and situations - each level in friendly menu - free movement between tasks using the menu - graded difficulty - to play your voice or video award for child work - to display the results of the work of the child What application in your children's support and develop? - the ability to distinguish shapes, determine their place in the whole - logical thinking - attention and concentration - imagination - practical experience for real life - exploration "what, why and how?” App included: cars for kids, boats for kids, plane for kids, truck for kids, train for kids, play with ball, house for kids, puzzle game, puzzle for kids and next games for kids.

5/31 értékelés

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  • Verziók
  • Frissítve
    2015. április 3.
  • Méret
  • Nyelvek
    54 nyelv
  • Nem kereskedő
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