Eat All The Things
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Eat All The Things


3 evaluări

12 utilizatori
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Eat All The Things

EAT ALL THE THINGS It does what it says on the box. This piece came about after a year of thinking on OOO and my difficulties accepting it. It's not fashionable now, but I can't get past human phenomenology and epistemology, or "correlationism" as the kids are calling it these days. We only know what we know because of how we know. Mixed up in all of this are the ideas of digital anthropopagy and productive misinterpretations. The ingesting and remixing culture to make more culture. Also I've spent the last year watching my daughter develop from a completely helples newborn to an increasingly independent toddler. This includes feeding herself. It's been fascinating. So there's a little of that thrown in, too. Controls: keys elbow - space wrist - a thumb - t index - little fingers - h, j, k, l

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    14 mai 2013
  • Oferit de
    Alex Myers
  • Dimensiune
  • Limbi
  • Non-comerciant
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