Zoom Page WE
Imagen del logotipo del elemento para Zoom Page WE

Zoom Page WE


151 valoraciones

ExtensiónAccesibilidad10.000 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (5)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (5)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (5)

Descripción general

Zoom web pages (either per-site or per-tab) using full-page zoom, text-only zoom, automatic fit-to-width and minimum font size.

CHANGES Version 33.5 • Improvements to popup panel. • Minor bug fixes. OVERVIEW Zoom Page WE provides facilities to make the contents of a web page larger or smaller (either per-site or per-tab) using full-page or text-only zoom and minimum font size. AutoFit (fit-to-width) can be applied manually or automatically. Small images can be scaled to fit the browser window. TOOLBAR BUTTON After installation, there will be a new blue 'floppy-disk' icon on the main toolbar with a blue badge showing the current zoom level. To change the zoom level for a page, click on the toolbar button to show the popup panel, then click on one of the six buttons on the right side of the popup panel: • Type - toggles the type between Full and Text. • Level (%) - shows a drop-down menu from which a specific level can be selected. • In (+) - increases the level to the next defined level or by a fixed step. • Out (-) - reduces the level to the next defined level or by a fixed step. • Autofit - adjusts the level so the page contents fit the width of the browser window. • Reset - applies the defined default full/text level depending on the current type. To change the minimum font size for a page, click on the toolbar button to show the popup panel, then click on one of the two buttons on the left side of the popup panel: • Minimum Size (px) - shows a drop-down from which a specific minimum font size can be selected. • Reset - applies the defined default minimum font size. SUPPORT Please e-mail: dw-dev@gmx.com LICENSE Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2. See LICENCE.txt file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    29 de abril de 2023
  • Ofrecido por
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    English (United States)
  • Desarrollador
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
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