Duplicate Tabs Closer
Duplicate Tabs Closer: изображение логотипа

Duplicate Tabs Closer


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Duplicate Tabs Closer

Duplicate Tabs Closer detects and closes duplicate tabs. Version 3.3.0 changelog: * New: Add whitelist for automatic close mode * New: Add ru and uk locale (thanks perdolka) * Fix: latency when saving options Version 3.2.0 changelog: * New: 'Show badge if no duplicate tab' option to show badge with value 0 if no duplicate tab Version 3.1.9 changelog: * New: 'Keep and reload older tab' option * Fix: runtime.sendMessage issue * Fix: settings synchro between popup and tab option * Optimize search duplicate tabs Version 3.1.7 changelog: * Fix: Badge not updated in some situations * New: Add zh_CN locale (thanks yfdyh000) * Some code optimizations ★ "On duplicate tab detected" options: - Close tab automatically: automatically closes the detected duplicate tab. - Do nothing: monitor tabs and update the badge icon to indicate the number of duplicate tabs detected. ★ On remaining tab options (used with "Close tab automatically): - Do nothing (default): nothing is done after the duplicate tab is closed. - Activate: once the duplicate tab is closed, the remaining tab is activated. - Apply opening tab behavior: once the duplicate tab is closed, depending on the default tab behavior, the remaining tab will be moved to the position of the closed tab and activated if needed. ★ "Priority" options (used with "Close tab automatically" mode and "Close all duplicate tabs" button): - Keep older tab (default): Keep the already existing tab. - Keep newer tab: Keep the newer tab. - Keep tab with https (default on): Ignore the scheme part during comparison and keep the tab with the https scheme. - Keep pinned tab (default on): Keep the pinned tab. ★ Filters options: - Ignore hash part in URL (default off): for instance https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/duplicate-tabs-closer/#detail-relnotes and https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/duplicate-tabs-closer will be considered as the same URL. - Ignore search part in URL (default off): for instance https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/duplicate-tabs-closer/?src=ss and https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/duplicate-tabs-closer will be considered as the same URL. - Ignore path part in URL (default off): for instance https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers and https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/duplicate-tabs-closer will be considered as the same URL. - Compare with tab title (default off): If the URL doesn't match then compare using the tab title. ★ Scope options: - Active window (default): only closes/displays duplicate tabs that belong to a same window. - All window: closes/displays duplicate tabs for all windows. ★ Hotkey: - Alt+Shift+W to close all duplicate tabs (this could be configured in the options in future version) For bug reports and feature requests: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2665523

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Виктор Моисеев27 апр. 2021 г.

Наконец-то я нашел тебя!!!! Как давно я хотел этот функционал

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Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Александр Сироткин5 апр. 2018 г.

Хорошо бы еще добавить настройку, которая позволит это делать только для выбранных доменов.

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