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A tool for designers to measure screen dimensions

This extension measures the dimensions from your mouse pointer up/down and left/right until it hits a border. So if you want to measure distances between elements on a website this is perfect. It doesn't really work with images because there the colors change a lot pixel to pixel. # Images & HTML Elements Measure between the following elements: images, input-fields, buttons, videos, gifs, text, icons. You can measure everything you see in the browser. # Mockups Your designer handed you mockups as PNGs or JPEGs? Just drop them into Chrome, activate Dimensions and start measuring. # Keyboard Shortcut You can start and stop dimensions with the ALT + D shortcut. # Area Boundaries Wanna get the radius of a circle? Is text standing in your way? Press Alt to measure the dimensions of a connected area. # Open Source Dimensions is Open Source and hosted on Github. Want to port it to Firefox? Go ahead and fork it. Pull requests are welcome! https://github.com/mrflix/dimensions

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  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    17 september 2024
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  • Ontwikkelaar
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