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Your plug into the Internet Computer ecosystem

Meet the completely redesigned V2 release of Plug 🔌 - the Internet Computer (IC) crypto wallet browser extension and identity provider. One thing Plug lacked was speed, well now everything you loved about plug is there, but ⚡️fast. Additionally we have added: easy token management, converts, sns token transaction history, discover. We have also rewritten the very core of Plug to be compatible with latest protocols of Internet Computer and built solid foundation for many more great releases. As before, Plug is: An easy-to use browser extension that allows you to hold, send, and manage ICP, Cycles, custom tokens (EXT, DIP20, ICRC1 standard), and NFTs with just one Principal ID 🔥 use them in any app that integrates Plug to trigger transactions (which you accept/deny from the extension), and surface your balances! You can also use Plug to log into integrated IC apps, using your main Principal ID as your identity across all apps. Now supporting holding, viewing, and sending IC NFTs, as well as IC tokens with the DIP20, EXT and ICRC1 and ICRC2 token standard (including WICP), using DAB's Token list. One main wallet (your Principal ID) to manage all your assets (Cycles/ICP/tokens, NFT’s, etc.) and to log into any IC app. You can even have multiple accounts! No need to worry about having separate wallets for different apps, or having multiple identities per device/app (like you would when using Internet Identity) 🤯 By integrating Plug into your app, you can enable ICP transactions, and authenticate users using their Plug Principal ID, or sign any custom canister requests! 📚 Check out Plug on our website: 🧰Visit our documentations to integrate Plug into your app:

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    23. Mai 2024
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    English (United States)
  • Entwickler
    Private limited Company
  • Händler
    Dieser Entwickler hat sich als Händler gemäß der Definition der Europäischen Union deklariert.


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