Custom JavaScript for Websites 2
Custom JavaScript for Websites 2의 상품 로고 이미지

Custom JavaScript for Websites 2


평점 122개

확장 프로그램개발자 도구50,000 사용자
동영상 썸네일 항목
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷


Run custom JavaScript on any website.

Run custom JavaScript on any website. Use this tool to inject custom JavaScript in any website. Your scripts are kept by the Chrome sync API and applied across domain URLs. You can inject custom JavaScript based on domain or custom Regular Expression (since v3.1.1). This extension supports dedicated tab to edit your codes since v2.5.1 You can use some built-in libraries such as * jQuery 1.12.4 * jQuery 2.2.4 * jQuery 3.2.1 * Indefinite Observable 1.0.1 * MooTools 1.6.0 or/and your own external scripts. Use cases: * Site debugging (wrong list sort, etc.) * Extract useful information from website, such as billings/orders metadata * Hide annoying popups and Ads * Custom UI * Anything you can think of :) Inject large JavaScript: New features: Ace Editor (formating, highlight, undo/redo by hotkeys) Draft auto save (so doesn't matter when you close the window without saving) Hosts (websites) switch (you can browse customjs of other websites) Include external script (eq. Underscore.js is cool) Thanks to: Ace - Pure -

5점 만점에 4.4점평점 122개

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    2023년 2월 20일
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