Ctrl+Tab MRU
Imagem do logotipo de Ctrl+Tab MRU

Ctrl+Tab MRU

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114 notas

ExtensãoWorkflow e planejamento2.000 usuários
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 2

Visão geral

Switch between tabs in the most recently used order, can be configured to use Ctrl+Tab as a shortcut

'Ctrl+Tab MRU' allows switching through tabs in the order they were visited before. By default this happens by pressing Ctrl+Y for going back in time and Ctrl+Shift+Y for the other way round. *** IMPORTANT TO KNOW *** Unfortunately Chrome doesn't drectly allow users to set Ctr+Tab as shortcut keys. So I suggest using the following trick to circumvent this: https://superuser.com/a/1326712. *** *** *** Tab switching also works on special pages (like chrome://), Chrome Web Store URLs, PDFs, XMLs or when the address bar is focused. In this case a temporary tab is opened to show the menu. To directly jump to a tab listed on the switcher menu, click on its title or icon. Drawbacks: - At the moment I don't have an idea how to avoid the temporary tab. It's required because I otherwise could not detect the release of the ctrl key (=end of the switching action) on special pages. - If you release the ctrl key too fast while the temporary tab is loaded I am unable to detect the key-up event, therefore the menu gets stuck. Please hit the ctrl key again to finish switching. - Recent tab order is not preserved when closing and restoring a window. Permissions: - 'Access your data on all websites': required to draw the tab list on top of the websites' content and to detect PDFs and XMLs. - 'Access your tabs and browsing activity': required to record tab order, open the temporary tab and to switch to the selected tab. Updates: - 0.9 -- switch to Manifest V3 to be future proof - 0.6 -- tab titles on the switcher popup are now clickable to directly jump to a tab -- no more need to reload the tabs after initial install -- added xml viewer support (menu is shown on temporary tab) - 0.5 -- added frameset support (menu is shown on temporary tab) - 0.4.2 -- added support for ftp and file:// pages -- added incognito support - 0.3.1 -- corrected tab order for tabs opened in the background -- refined stylesheet

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  • Versão
  • Atualização
    12 de outubro de 2023
  • Oferecido por
    Daniel Calliess
  • Tamanho
  • Idiomas
    2 idiomas
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  • Não negociante
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