Shows the float value, paint seed, and more of Counter-Strike (CS:GO & CS2) items on the Steam Market or Inventories
CSFloat Market Checker uses the dedicated CS Float (formerly CSGO Float) API to allow you to retrieve the float values, 3d models, and screenshots of market items directly from the page! GitHub: https://github.com/csfloat/extension Note: Items queried will be ranked on FloatDB (csfloat.com) Features: * Allows verification for trades on CSFloat Market * Allows you to retrieve the float, paint seed, and float rank of any market or inventory item * Allows you to fetch the 3D model and screenshot of the item directly on the page * Fetches all floats on the page fast and automatically on page load * User-definable filters to highlight items with low floats or certain paint seeds * Shows market item stickers at a glance and their wear * Change the amount of items on the page up to 100 Compatibility: * This extension has been tested to work with Steam Inventory Helper and Enhanced Steam * Since this extension doesn't hook and modify HTTP headers to bypass steamcommunity.com CSP, it should have greater compatibility with other extensions. Please report issues using our GitHub issue tracker (https://github.com/csfloat/extension/issues).
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- Версия5.3.0
- Обновлено21 февраля 2025 г.
- Размер992KiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish
- РазработчикCSFloat Inc.Сайт
1111B S Governors Ave STE 6886 Dover, DE 19904-6903 USЭлектронная почта
+1 825-258-5726 - ПродавецЭтот разработчик заявил, что является продавцом согласно определению Европейского Союза, и взял на себя обязательство предлагать только товары и услуги, соответствующие законодательству ЕС.
- D-U-N-S119276339
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