Logobild des Artikels für ContactScraper



2 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung54 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Extracts website URL, phone number and email address from the current tab and downloads as a CSV file

Introducing the Web Contact Scraper, a user-friendly and efficient Chrome extension designed to help you seamlessly extract valuable contact information from websites. With just one click, you can gather email addresses and phone numbers, effectively streamlining your outreach and lead generation efforts. Key Features: Quick and Easy Extraction: Say goodbye to the tedious process of manually copying contact information from websites. Our Web Contact Scraper automatically scans the webpage's content and extracts email addresses and phone numbers in seconds. Export to CSV: The extracted data is conveniently organized and exported into a CSV file, allowing you to easily access, view, and manage your collected information. Import the CSV file to your favorite CRM, email marketing tool, or spreadsheet application. Accurate Results: Leveraging advanced regular expression patterns, our extension ensures a high level of accuracy in detecting and capturing contact information. Capture Website URL: In addition to email and phone numbers, the Web Contact Scraper also includes the website's URL in the exported CSV file. This allows you to keep track of where the contact information was found, streamlining your follow-up process. Lightweight and Unobtrusive: Our extension is designed to be fast and unobtrusive, ensuring a smooth browsing experience without any performance issues. Whether you are a business owner, marketer, sales professional, or freelancer, the Web Contact Scraper is the perfect tool to simplify and enhance your online contact collection process. Download the extension today and revolutionize the way you gather contact information from websites!

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    9. April 2023
  • Angeboten von
    Red Analytica
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    Red Analytica
    Ahmedabad India, Gujarat 380061 IN
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