Logo položky ColorPick Eyedropper

ColorPick Eyedropper


1,2 tis. hodnotení

RozšírenieNástroje pre vývojárov2 000 000 používatelia
Médium položky 4 – snímka obrazovky
Miniatúra videa položky
Médium položky 2 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 3 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 4 – snímka obrazovky
Miniatúra videa položky
Miniatúra videa položky
Médium položky 2 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 3 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 4 – snímka obrazovky


A zoomed eyedropper & color chooser tool that allows you to select color values from webpages and more.

If you feel the need to alert the developer about a bug use the feedback forum instead of writing a review. ColorPick needs permission on all websites so that it is at the ready when you need it. In order to use the tabs API this permission is required. Color pick does not abuse this permission and is highly configurable. You can always review the source code yourself, which is available online here https://github.com/qufighter/ColorPick PRs welcome! Please note that colors are picked from a snapshot of the page that is updated only when you scroll. To take a new snapshot press r or use the re-snap button. Sometimes if you just changed tabs, you may see a snapshot error - this is an intentional security feature. Press R or scroll to correct this, or exit color pick and try again. As with most extensions of this nature, it will not work out of the box on the web store, or on file:// pages. It will work on local file pages only after you "Allow access to file URLs" from the tools->extensions manager. If you experience an issue, try the following: - Try a new website in a different tab and see if it works there - Try the same website in a new tab and see if that works - Reloading the extension or tab may sometimes be needed If you need to operate on unsupported pages try the desktop app version (mac+pc) at color-pick.com or if you are selecting colors from screenshots, images or photos try the mobile phone/tablet app for IOS and Android - search the store for "ColorPick" (which also includes color based mini games). If you're looking for a quick and easy to use color eye dropper with zoomed drag-able preview for fine tuning you've come to the right place. If you experience any bugs PLEASE report them using the feedback button, I want to fix them if they can be fixed. It has been reported that it may take a few tries before it starts working initially. You may have to refresh the page or re-load the extension. I have personally experienced bugs where mousemove event does not fire, etc, but then when I switch out of chrome and back, it starts working. There is little that can be done to fix this except be patient and try again. Keep in mind that your display's color space matters - if it or chrome is not set to sRGB (and restarted chrome) then some colors set to one value will pick as a different value (as if from a screenshot, which in some cases can have a similar effect). Color Pick attempts to use lossless PNG quality to detect colors. If you experience bugs or distorted snapshot of the page disable this feature to use JPEG quality. If your business is using this extension or the desktop app than you should urge them to purchase the appropriate license. Thank You, Sam ------------------------------------------- This program is a Color Picker, or an Eye Dropper, also a ColorPicker or EyeDroper depending on how you wish to spell it. It also contains webpage region magnification/zoom loupe features. Zoom features may help you to see pixel perfect alignment accuracy during web development adjustments. This extension may someday be supported by URL rewriting affiliate links. This may be disabled from options and is disabled by default. When you uninstall this extension you may be asked to complete a survey - you can disable this survey from options.

4,2 z 51,2 tis. hodnotení

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  • Verzia
  • Aktualizované
    18. júna 2023
  • Veľkosť
  • Jazyky
    Jazyky: 48
  • Vývojár
    Sam Larison
    2661 North Illinois Street PMB 31890 Swansea, IL 62226 USA
    Webové stránky
  • Neobchodný subjekt
    Tento vývojár sa neidentifikoval ako obchodník. Upozorňujeme, že práva spotrebiteľov v Európskej únii sa nevzťahujú na zmluvy uzavreté medzi vami a týmto vývojárom.

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  • sa nepredávajú tretím stranám mimo schválených prípadov použitia,
  • sa nepoužívajú ani neprevádzajú na účely, ktoré nesúvisia so základnou funkciou položky,
  • sa nepoužívajú ani neprevádzajú na zisťovanie úverovej bonity ani na účely poskytovania úverov.


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