Colorado Solitaire is a fun two deck solitaire card game. It's played very differently than most of the better known solitaire…
Colorado Solitaire is a fun two deck solitaire card game. It's played very differently than most of the better known solitaire card games like Freecell, Klondike or Spider, so in addition to a brief explaination here, I've included a video tutorial to help explain how to play. If you're interested in a new and interesting solitaire card game challenge, Colorado Solitaire is a great game. In addition to building four suit piles up from Ace to King, you are building four more suit piles down from King to Ace. You have 20 piles you can stack cards on. You can't move any cards between those piles, so the order you stack them is very important. You can only take the top card off of these stacks to place them on to the suit piles at the top. If you remove all of the cards from one of these piles, you have to replace it with the top card taken from the deck. You can also deal a card off the deck and place it on the top of any of the 20 stacks you choose, keeping in mind that you can't move cards between these stacks, and you must take the top card off and place it into one of the suit piles before you can take off the cards below it. Once you've built the four suit piles on the top left down from King to Ace and you've built the four suit piles on the right up from Ace to King you've won the game. It's quite challenging, and will likely take you several tries before you get the hang of it, but it's a great game and worth the effort.
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