CoCo Text Adventures
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CoCo Text Adventures


3 evaluări

12 utilizatori
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Prezentare generală

The classic text adventure games Bedlam, Raaka-Tu, and Pyramid 2000 ported to Android (and now Chrome). The Tandy Color Computer…

The classic text adventure games Bedlam, Raaka-Tu, and Pyramid 2000 ported to Android (and now Chrome). The Tandy Color Computer versions are used as the source. I've attempted to make the interface "touch friendly" without changing gameplay too much. If you're using a computer without a touch screen (or just prefer using a keyboard) open the settings and change the input type to keyboard. This is a first attempt at porting the Android app to Chrome. There are bound to be some issues, feedback is welcome.

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    3 aprilie 2015
  • Oferit de
    Aaron Wolfe
  • Dimensiune
  • Limbi
    54 limbi
  • Non-comerciant
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