Talking Url
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Talking Url


100 Bewertungen

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Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot


Talking URL allows you to communicate with anyone who watching the same web page that you visit.

talking URL allows you to communicate and share your knowledge, opinions or just chat with anyone who watching the same web page as you Features: ------------- * NEW: Small Village Mode - now everyone can talk globally in one language - try it! * Real-time "most-talking-url" row (now built-in the extension) - shows where conversations are now occurring. * Talk with anyone, everywhere over the net! * Completely Anonymously - No registration to any social network is needed, just press the talking-url icon, and start chatting ! * Visit any page on the entire web to find out people with the same intrests as you and start having conversation with them * Enables you to get live status about what going on at any site by coping the address and paste it at the URL History Page at our website

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    5. März 2013
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