The only true Microsoft Remote Desktop app for the Chrome browser.
Chrome RDP is being deprecated because Google is ending support for NaCL in 2021. Google Cloud Platform customers can use this plugin to connect to the remote desktops of their Windows Server instances running on Google Compute Engine. Once installed, customers need only click on the RDP button in the Google Developers Console to be taken directly to the remote desktop of their instance without the need to remember their Windows credentials or use an additional software client. Chrome RDP currently supports standard RDP connections and Terminal Servers. Forum:!forum/chromerdp Email: FAQ: Chrome and Google Cloud marks are used under license by Google LLC.
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- Versione4.47.2.6
- Ultimo aggiornamento:4 giugno 2021
- Dimensioni1.64MiB
- LingueEnglish (United States)
- SviluppatoreSito web
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