Carerix Linkedin/Xing
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Carerix Linkedin/Xing

3 avis

ExtensionWorkflows/planification4 000 utilisateurs
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This extension shows some information from your Carerix system when navigating LinkedIn profiles

Compare LinkedIn profiles directly with candidate profiles in your database. You are bound to find many candidate profiles in LinkedIn right now, and checking to see if these profiles already exist in your database (or that the existing profile is up to date) is now a manual action. There are also many steps to take to actually create such a LinkedIn candidate file in your database. To make this easier for you, Carerix has developed the LinkedIn browser, which allows you to check directly if a candidate already exists within your candidate database in Carerix. Add, update and add notes to candidates directly. The CxLinkedInbrowser is a Chrome plugin that you can install in your browser. The plugin allows you to check directly if a candidate exists in your database already. If not, then you can add this candidate to your Carerix database with a single button stroke. If the candidate exists already in the system, the plugin will show you the contact information, matches (if there are any), activities, and if you use placements in Carerix and there is a placement for this candidate, information about the current placement. Without switching browser tabs or windows the Carerix Social Browser plugin for LinkedIn, Xing and VDAB helps you to: - Quickly identify if a candidate/contact already exists in your database - Quickly identify what contact information you have or lack (email-address and phine number) - Quickly identify if the information in your database is up-to-date with the profile you are looking at and if necessary update the information immdiately - Quickly identify to what job orders in your Carerix the particular candidate has been matched recently - Quickly read existing notes and add new notes to the candidate/contact record in Carerix - Quickly identify the date you (or one of your peers) created the record in Carerix, last contacted this candidate or contact or updated its record - Quickly identify the owner of the canidate/contact record in Carerix - Quickly identify which placements are actvie for the candidate together with its end date The Chrome plugin is available in both Dutch and English. The language shown is depending on the language setting in your Chrome browser. The CxLinkedInbrowser eliminates the need to switch between browser windows. You now see directly – while working in LinkedIn – whether a candidate is already in your Carerix system, and shows the relevant information. If this information is not up to date anymore, you can update it with one quick key stroke.

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  • Version
  • Dernière mise à jour
    9 janvier 2024
  • Taille
  • Langues
    2 langues
  • Développeur
    Carerix BV
    Rotterdam Airportplein 28b Rotterdam 3045 AP NL
    Site Web
  • Professionnel
    Ce développeur s'est identifié comme professionnel selon la définition de l'Union européenne.


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