Imagen del logotipo del elemento para CaptionSpeaker


47 valoraciones

Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)

Descripción general

CaptionSpeaker is a chrome extension that allows you to hear subtitles in a specified language when they are set on youtube.

CaptionSpeaker is a chrome extension that allows you to hear subtitles in a specified language when they are set on youtube. # Usage 1.Right-click the CaptionSpeaker icon to open the settings (Options) and save the appropriate speaker settings (Please be sure to do so as there is a possibility that the speech may fail in the standard setting.). 2.Open the video that you want YouTube to produce subtitles for 3.Click CaptionSpeaker icon to enable subtitle speech (If the icon is green, it is on.) 4.Start playing movie (The speech starts when the subtitles appear.) If you want to stop the subtitle speech, you can turn it off by clicking the CaptionSpeaker icon. When speaking, the speaker is the default setting of the browser at first. For example, in a Japanese environment, the speaker is Japanese, so if you want him to speak English, please set it on the setting page (Right-click the icon to select an option, or click the icon to select Options.). You can also change the reading speed on the settings page. When you change the speaker's language (Locale), you try to produce subtitles in that language (I sometimes fail.). # Note - CaptionSpeaker is a Chrome Extension that reads out the subtitles set for YouTube videos. It does not have the ability to translate Youtube videos. If the YouTube video does not have subtitles in the target language, it will not be spoken. # Update History # # Version 1.0 First release # # Version 1.1 - Add an option to stop the previous utterance when a new utterance is made - If the subtitle in the same language as the speech setting is default, add the option of not speaking # # Version 1.2 - When reading is turned off, stop speaking if you are speaking. - Addresses an issue that may cause a slight delay in reading ## Version 1.3 -Slightly changed the judgment criteria of "Subtitles in the same language as the speech setting" ## Version 1.4 -Added "Setting to read only when subtitles are displayed" setting item ## Version 1.4.2 - Fixed an issue where subtitles could not be read (November 26, 2020 JST) ## Version 1.4.3 - Fixed the problem that subtitles could not be read ## Version 2.0.0 - Compatible with Manifest V3 - Fixed the problem of not speaking when transitioning from a channel ( or playlist ( to a video page. - Supports embedding in pages other than (type that iframe captures ...) (Note that when you "add to queue" in youtube Not compatible with the displayed mini player) - Added "Lower volume of original video during utterance" setting ## Verson 2.0.1 (2022/05) - Fixed the problem of trying to speak the language of the browser's language setting side when the language setting of the browser (window.navigator.language) and the language to be read are different. ## Version 2.0.2 (2022/06) - By going to get the next information when you couldn't get the subtitles, you reduced the possibility that you couldn't get the subtitles. ## Version 2.0.3 (2022/06) - Fixed the problem that sometimes failed to be obtained in the part to get the next information entered in Version 2.0.2. ## Version 2.0.4 (2023/12) - When video playback is stopped, speech will also stop (Thanks @RonnieBlade) - ON/OFF setting of "Enable speech without time synchronization" will be added to "Options" (Thanks @billythekidz) # Known Issues It seems that macOS Catalina may fail to speak with a standard speaker. You can avoid it by setting the speaker who can make a test speech on the setting page and confirm that he can actually speak.

4,0 de 547 valoraciones

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Juan Ignacio Jimenez Miranda8 oct 2022

Interesante para ver una traducción simultánea de algún vídeo hablado en un idioma desconocido para mi.

Según 1 persona, esta reseña es útil
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Jeyson Orozco17 oct 2021

Excelente para esos videos en ingles que no entiendes nada.

Según 1 persona, esta reseña no es útil
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Davo N.L.Y24 mar 2021

wooow la mejor herramienta me encanta de verdad felicidades a los desarrolladores herramienta muy util


  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    14 de diciembre de 2023
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  • Idiomas
    4 idiomas
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    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
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Este desarrollador declara que tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para fines no relacionados con la función principal del elemento.
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para determinar la situación crediticia ni para ofrecer préstamos.



Subtítulos jugador - Traducir vídeo de Youtube


reproductor de subtítulos. La lectura y la traducción de subtítulos en voz alta.

SimIntpr - Traducir y leer subtítulos de YouTube


Traduce los subtítulos de los videos de YouTube y léelos. Como un intérprete simultáneo virtual de YouTube.

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Subtitle Google Translate (Lynda,LinkedIn,..)


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YouTube SubSound


Automatic subtitle dubbing on YouTube.



Speak lets you use speech-to-text to provide live captions for presentations

Subtítulos dobles de YouTube ™


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Translate and speak subtitles for YouTube into multiple languages with AI.

YouTube Subtitles Speaker and Translator


La extensión convierte subtítulos de texto para YouTube en un discurso que suena natural.

Youtube caption indicator


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Subtítulos jugador - Traducir vídeo de Youtube


reproductor de subtítulos. La lectura y la traducción de subtítulos en voz alta.

SimIntpr - Traducir y leer subtítulos de YouTube


Traduce los subtítulos de los videos de YouTube y léelos. Como un intérprete simultáneo virtual de YouTube.

CapTube (Dual Captions for YouTube)


Dual subtitles with AI-enabled translations

Subtitle Google Translate (Lynda,LinkedIn,..)


Video Subtitle Google Translate for Popular Website Like Lynda, LinkedIn, etc

Speak Subtitles for YouTube


La extensión convierte subtítulos de texto para YouTube en un discurso que suena natural.

YouTube SubSound


Automatic subtitle dubbing on YouTube.



Speak lets you use speech-to-text to provide live captions for presentations

Subtítulos dobles de YouTube ™


Cambia automáticamente al idioma local, subtítulos bilingües, descarga de subtítulos, doblaje de subtítulos, estilo de subtítulos…

Aplicaciones de Google