Blue mushroom wallpaper
Logobild des Artikels für Blue mushroom wallpaper

Blue mushroom wallpaper

DesignNatur & Landschaften1 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


The image of blue mushrooms growing on logs creates a magical and dreamy landscape.

A log covered with green moss creates a small, smooth forest space. On the surface of the log, the blue mushrooms are like clusters of small flames, creating a soft glowing effect amid the shade of the surrounding trees. Blue mushrooms often have strange shapes, with small branches like curved fingers. Their blue color creates a feeling of mystery and mystery, like mushrooms from another world. When looking at this image, you can feel the peace and quiet of the forest

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    22. Mai 2024
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    English (United States)
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